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Survey - Knowledgebase / The library - Help Desk


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  • Ester Andersson

With our survey builder, you can easily generate surveys for conducting evaluations, expectation surveys, or any other type of survey you need.

Building the survey

In the library

  1. Click “Add materials” and choose Survey.

  2. Set an internal name and click “Add & Build Survey”.

In the course builder

  1. Click on the plus sign and choose “Survey”.

  2. Name the quiz and click “Add & Build Survey”.

Editing the survey

  1. Set a page title and an (optional) description.

  2. Set a section title and (optional) description.

  1. Write your question in the “Question title” box

  2. Choose your question type: “Single answer” if the participant should choose only 1 answer, “Multiple answer” if they should choose several, “Single row text input” if they should write a short answer, and “Multi row text input” if they should write a long answer.

  • To add a new question, click “+Question” and choose what type of question you wish to add.

  • Adding media to your questions, such as images, videos, or audio files, is possible. Simply click on the media you wish to add under the question title.

  • To add a new page, scroll up and click “+Page”.

Survey Settings

Show answers for review before submitting: The participants will be able to see what they have answered

Allow retaking the survey multiple times: The participants will be able to take the quiz more than one time

Automatically generated report: A report will automatically be generated

Make response anonymous in report: The participants’ names will not be visible in the report

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