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Insights at your fingertips: Introducing our new Dashboard - News / Product Highlight - Help Desk

sep. 17 2024

Insights at your fingertips: Introducing our new Dashboard

  • Ester Andersson

  • Gabriella Eriksson

We are thrilled to introduce our new Dashboard, designed to elevate your learning management experience! The Dashboard gives administrators instant insights into learner activity, course engagement, and completion trends, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly—without the hassle of manual reporting.

Why does this matter?

With these dashboards, you gain immediate access to the key metrics that drive your learning portal’s success. You can monitor learner progress, engagement, and course development across all your portals, ensuring you stay proactive in managing and improving learning outcomes.

What key insights does the dashboard provide?

1. Instant Learner Progress Overview

Learner progress at a glance. The dashboard shows you:

  • How many learners have completed their courses

  • How many are in progress

  • How many have not yet started

This eliminates the need for manual reporting and gives you a clear snapshot of learner status instantly.

2. Progress trends over time

Trend graph that visualizes learner progress over time, making it easier to:

  • Monitor engagement throughout a course launch

  • Spot potential issues where learners may need additional support

  • Highlight positive trends like early completions and high engagement

By understanding these trends, you can take timely action to improve learner success and course outcomes.

3. Monitor Active learners over the last 30 days

Number of learners active within the last 30 days. This data is crucial for:

  • Tracking engagement with new content

  • Maintaining participation levels across your portal

  • Spotting potential drops in activity that may need re-engagement strategies

This insight enables you to take proactive steps to keep learners engaged and maintain course momentum.

4. Course Development Insights

Visibility into course development efforts. You can:

  • Track the total number of courses created and delivered in your portal

  • Showcase the volume of content being produced, which is especially useful when demonstrating value to stakeholders or managing teams of content developers

This gives you a clear view of your team’s output and the impact of your learning initiatives.

Key Benefits of the New Dashboards

  • Up-to-date insights without manual reporting

  • Quick learner progress tracking for more efficient management

  • Trend analysis to help you refine courses and increase success rates

  • Engagement data to keep participation high and improve re-engagement

  • Course creation tracking to demonstrate the effort and impact of your learning investment

These dashboards are designed to empower you with a comprehensive, real-time view of your learning portal, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and clearly demonstrate the impact of your programs.

For more details or assistance in getting the most out of these dashboards, our support team is ready to help. We’re here to ensure you make the most of this valuable new tool!