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Assignment Upload - Knowledgebase / Administration / Functions - Help Desk

Assignment Upload

Authors list
  • Ester Andersson

If you wish participants to hand in an assignment, you can ask them to do so directly in Learnifier by using the component Assignment Upload.

Create assignment

  1. Enter the course builder

  2. Click the plus sign Assignment upload.

  1. Add an appropriate title and description.

  2. Choose whether or not the assignment will be evaluated or not. The evaluation is made under the “Assignment” tab in the project menu.

  1. Extra: If you wish to be notified when a participant has completed the assignment, we recommend setting up an automated communication.

Uploaded files to Assignments

  1. Go to the Assignment tab in the Project menu.

  2. Scroll down and you'll find everything your participants have submitted.

  3. Check the box to the left of the participant's name and click "Download".

How does evaluation work?

  1. Go to the Assignment tab in the Project menu.

  2. Scroll down and you'll find everything your participants have submitted.

  3. Check the box to the left of the participant's name and click "Evaluate".

  1. Change the status and add a comment if you want.

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