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Course templates - Kunnskapsbase / Biblioteket - Help Desk

Course templates

  • Ester Andersson

In this article, we’ll go through why you should use course templates and the different ways to do it.

Available from: Professional

Why use course templates?

Course templates are useful if you have several courses with similar structures. If you update content blocks such as images, videos, quizzes, surveys, and HTML-text blocks in the course template by clicking the "Edit button" all courses that use the course template will be updated. However, if you add something new to the course template, this will only affect future courses based on the template. Remember, if you update normal text blocks, this will also only affect future courses based on the template.

Create a course template from scratch

  1. Go to Library → Course Templates

  1. Click on "Add Template"

  1. Set a name, description, language and (not mandatory) an expiration and click “Save course design”.

  1. Click “Edit Course Template”.

  1. Create your course template!


Create a template from a project

  1. Go to the project you want to copy.

  2. Click on the triangle pointing down at the right side of the "Create copy"

  3. Choose "Create template". You will automatically be redirected to the new course template.

Updating materials in course templates

If you update content blocks such as images, videos, quizzes, surveys, and HTML-text blocks in the course template by clicking the "Edit” button (see below), all courses that use the course template will be updated. However, if you add something to the course template, this will only affect future courses based on the template.

This is an example of how a generic course template can look:

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