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Reports - Knowledgebase / Administration / Functions - Help Desk


Authors list
  • Ester Andersson


Live reports can be retrieved on the fly. Scheduled reports can take a while to process behind the scenes.

  • Project status – A report with information on the activity status for all participants

  • Detailed Project Status – A detailed report on the activity status, with details on what components in the activities are completed.


  • Bounce emails and activation errors – Counts the bounced emails and activation errors for projects

  • Client administrators – a report that lists all Client administrators

  • Project activity overview reports – reports an overview with participant count per status in all active projects

  • Project administrators – a report that lists all project team members

  • User Awards – A report that lists the awards that have been issued to users, when it was issued, and when it expires.

  • User Teams – A list of all users together with their team memberships. It can be used for example to detect users that don't belong to any team.

  • Automated communication plan activity – An activity summary for emails sent from automated communication plans.

  • Quiz report – A report with answers to a quiz used in one or several projects.

  • Survey report – A report with answers to a survey used in one or several projects.

  • Course enrollments – A report with all activated course enrollments from all clients. Learners from demo clients and disabled clients are not included.

  • Product activity summary by course – Summary access and completion details for individual products included in courses.

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