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Adding and removing project team members - Knowledgebase / Administration / Roles - Help Desk

Adding and removing project team members

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  • Ester Andersson

Project team members can be invited to Learnifier to view, but not edit projects or user details. This type of role comes in handy when you want to invite a consultant or a teacher to the Learnifier platform in order for them to participate, see progress, or comment on any online activity on the Learnifier platform.

Adding instructors

  1. Go to the project where you wish to invite an instructor and click “Add Team Member” under “Project Team”

  1. Select the user you wish to add as an instructor and click “Assign”.  If you do not want an email to go out to the instructor, then unbox the “Send invitation email”.

  1. Scroll down and click “Send email”.

  2. All done!

 Removing instructors

  1. To remove an instructor, go to the project in which the user is an instructor and scroll down to the “Project Team” box and click on the “Remove” button.

  1. All done!


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