Learnifier is available either on Amazon Web Service on the domain “learnifier.com” or on ElastX on the domain “learnifier.se”. From the price plan Enterprise, it is possible to also use a custom domain. We use the service Let’s Encrypt to create certificates.
Important to know when following the instructions below:
If your Learnifier URL (e.g.: customer.learnifier.com) ends with learnifier.com use the values marked with “.com”.
if instead, your Learnifier URL ends with learnifier.se use the ones marked with “.se”.
If you wish to use a custom domain, please do the following:
If your domain already has an SPF record, then you must add the following SPF mechanism to the existing record:
If you currently don’t have an SPF Record, follow these instructions:
Please go to this site to get instructions on how to add an SPF record https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework#Implementation
Once you have added your SPF records, then add the following SPF mechanism to the existing record.
(.com) orinclude:_customdomain.learnifier.se
Add a record to your DOMAIN NAME SERVERS (DNS).
(Alternative 1) If you are adding a top domain, for example, "example.com", then add an A record to "" (.com) or "" (.se).
(Alternative 2) If you are adding a subdomain, for example, "academy.example.com", then add a CNAME for "service.learnifier.com" (.com) or "service.learnifier.se" (.se).
Add the following:academy.example.com. CAA 0 issue "letsencrypt.org"?
Send the domain that your academy is to be hosted under (e.g. academy.example.com) to support@learnifier.com.
Remember to also set up DKIM, for which you can find instructions here.