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Completion criteria (module/activity) - Knowledgebase / Administration / Functions - Help Desk

Completion criteria (module/activity)

Authors list
  • Ester Andersson

The completion criterion decides when participants should be counted as “Completed” on a specific activity.

To find the setting:

  1. Click on the three dots next to the module or activity in the course builder.

The three conditions to choose from:

  • All Components - The participant needs to complete every component (material) in an activity. For example: download a document, see a video, complete a quiz, complete a survey, listen to an audio file, etc...

  • Manually Set by Learner - This option means that a "Mark as Completed" button appears for the participant in the activity. For the activity to get marked as completed, the participant needs to click on this button. This setting is great to use in activities containing only text and/or images as the system cannot track whether or not a participant has read a text or seen an image.

  • Required components - Choose which components the participants need to complete in order to complete the activity! The participant will see which components are optional or not.

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